How to Make a Beautiful Ribbon Lei [DIY Plans] - MyMyDIY | Inspiring DIY Projects (2024)

Creating a beautiful ribbon lei may seem daunting if you’ve never tried it before. Did you know that Lei is one of the most iconic symbols of Hawaii and Aloha? Our step-by-step guide will simplify the process, making it easy for beginners to craft their very own ribbon lei.

Table of Contents

Let’s get started, your journey into ribbon lei crafting awaits!

Here’s my favorite ribbon lei crafting tutorial:

  • ? Simple and popular lei-making technique
  • ? Use two different colored ribbons
  • ? Make loops, alternating between colors
  • ? Continue braiding until desired length
  • ? Finish off by tying ribbons together and adding embellishments

Key Takeaways

  • Ribbon leis are a popular Hawaiian tradition and can be easily made using different techniques such as braiding, spiraling, or adding embellishments like flowers or money.
  • The types of ribbon leis include braided, spiral, ric rac, floral, and ones made with money.
  • To create a beautiful ribbon lei, you will need materials such as ribbons in various colors and patterns, scissors to cut the ribbons to desired lengths and shape them into loops, a tape measure for accurate measurements, buttons for embellishments, and glue to secure knots and keep everything in place.
  • Get creative with your ribbon lei by playing with colors by mixing different shades and patterns of ribbons or adding buttons as decorative elements. You can also consider incorporating flowers or money to make your lei even more special.

Types of Ribbon Leis

There are several types of ribbon leis that you can create, including braided, spiral, ric rac, floral, and even ones made with money.


Braided leis stand out in a crowd. Picture two vibrant ribbons twisted together. The color mix can change the look of the lei. To make one, you tie knots and loop them over each other.

It’s like braiding hair! This style is called “braided Hawaiian ribbon lei“. Watch a video to learn how to do it right! This design makes any event feel like a luau in Hawaii, land of Aloha.

You will find all you need at your local craft shop.


Creating a spiral ribbon lei is another beautiful option for DIY enthusiasts. To make this style, you will need ribbons in different colors and scissors. Start by folding one ribbon in half and aligning the ends with another folded ribbon.

Tie a knot about 5-7 inches from the ends to secure them together. Then, take the two loose ends of each ribbon and twist them together to form a spiral pattern. Keep twisting until you reach the end of the ribbons, then tie another knot to secure everything in place.

The result is a stunning spiral design that will add an eye-catching element to your lei collection.

Ric Rac

Ric Rac is one of the patterns you can use to create a beautiful ribbon lei. It adds a fun and playful touch to your design. To make a ric rac ribbon lei, you will need ribbons in different colors and lengths.

You start by aligning the ribbons and tying a knot at one end. Then, you fold each ribbon in half and thread it through the loops created by the other ribbons. This creates a zigzag pattern that resembles ric rac trim.

Keep adding more ribbons until your lei reaches the desired length. Ric rac ribbon leis are colorful and eye-catching, perfect for special occasions or as gifts to loved ones!


For those looking to add a touch of nature to their ribbon lei, consider incorporating flowers into the design. Adding flowers can bring a vibrant and fresh element to your lei, making it even more beautiful.

You can either use real flowers or opt for artificial ones that will last longer. Simply attach the flowers to the ribbons by tying them securely or using glue, depending on the type of flower and ribbon you are working with.

This floral addition will make your ribbon lei stand out and be even more visually appealing.


Adding money to a ribbon lei can make it even more special. You can use dollar bills or coins as embellishments to create a unique and meaningful gift. Simply fold the bills or secure the coins onto the ribbons with glue or small loops of thread.

This extra touch will add a personal touch and make your ribbon lei stand out from the rest. And don’t worry, materials for making ribbon leis, including ones that incorporate money, can easily be found at any craft store.

So get creative and have fun adding some monetary flair to your beautiful ribbon lei!

Materials Needed

The materials needed for creating a beautiful ribbon lei include ribbons, scissors, tape measure, buttons, and glue.


Ribbons are a key ingredient in creating a beautiful ribbon lei. They come in various colors, patterns, and widths, giving you endless possibilities to craft a unique design. You can choose ribbons that complement each other or go for a bold and vibrant look by using contrasting colors.

Remember to measure the length of the ribbons before cutting them, ensuring they are long enough to tie knots and create loops. The ribbons will be braided, spiraled, or twisted together to form an intricate pattern that adds charm to your lei.

Whether you’re making a graduation lei or simply want to showcase your creativity, ribbons are essential for crafting stunning ribbon leis.


To create a beautiful ribbon lei, you will need scissors. Scissors are an essential tool for cutting the ribbons to the desired length and shaping them into loops. Make sure to use sharp scissors that can easily cut through the ribbon without fraying or tearing it.

It’s important to have good-quality scissors in order to achieve clean and precise cuts, resulting in a neater-looking lei. Before you start crafting your ribbon lei, make sure your scissors are handy and ready to use.

Tape measure

To create a beautiful ribbon lei, you will need a tape measure. This tool will help you measure the length of your ribbons accurately. It’s important to have precise measurements so that your lei turns out just right.

Using a tape measure ensures that all your ribbon strands are the same length, creating a uniform and balanced look for your lei. So make sure to have a tape measure handy when you’re ready to start crafting your ribbon lei!


Buttons can be a fun and creative way to embellish your ribbon lei. You can use buttons of different sizes, shapes, and colors to add an extra touch of personality to your lei. Simply sew or glue the buttons onto the ribbons in a pattern or design that you like.

This will make your lei stand out and give it a unique look. Don’t forget to choose buttons that are lightweight so they won’t weigh down your lei. With the addition of colorful buttons, your ribbon lei will become even more beautiful and eye-catching!


Don’t forget the glue! Glue is an important tool when making a ribbon lei. It helps to secure the knots and keep everything in place. You can use any craft glue that dries clear and is safe for fabrics.

Just apply a small dot of glue on each knot or where needed, and let it dry completely before handling the lei. This will ensure that your beautiful ribbon lei stays intact and looks perfect for any occasion.

Steps to Create a Ribbon Lei

To create a ribbon lei, start by measuring and knotting the ribbons together to form a base. Then, fold the ribbons in half and secure them with tape or glue to create loops. Keep adding loops until you reach your desired length for the lei.

Finally, finish off the lei by tying off the ends and trimming any excess ribbon.

Measuring and knotting the ribbons

To start creating your ribbon lei, you’ll need to measure and knot the ribbons. First, align the ribbons together so that they are all the same length. Then, tie a knot at one end of the ribbons, about 5-7 inches from the ends.

This will secure them together and serve as the starting point for your lei. Make sure to pull the knot tight so that it holds well. Once you have done this step, you’re ready to move on to forming the loops and continuing with your ribbon lei creation.

Forming the loops

To create beautiful loops for your ribbon lei, you will follow these simple steps. First, take one end of the ribbon and fold it in half to form a loop. Then, hold the loop with your fingers and bring the other end of the ribbon over to meet it, creating a second loop.

Continue folding the ribbon back and forth in this way until you reach the end. Secure the loops by tying a knot or using tape or glue if needed. This method will give your ribbon lei an elegant and neat appearance.

Finishing the lei

Now that you’ve formed the loops of your ribbon lei, it’s time to finish it off. Take the ends of the ribbons and tie them together in a secure knot. If needed, trim any excess ribbon.

You can also add a drop of glue to ensure the knot stays in place. Finally, give your lei a gentle tug to even out the loops and make sure everything is secure. And there you have it! Your beautiful ribbon lei is ready to be worn or gifted to someone special.

Enjoy your creation and embrace the spirit of aloha!

Tips and Ideas for Making Ribbon Leis

Get creative with colors by using different shades and patterns of ribbons to add visual interest to your lei. Personalize your lei by adding buttons as embellishments, or consider incorporating flowers or even money for a unique touch.

Play with colors

To create a stunning ribbon lei, you can play around with different colors. Choose ribbons in vibrant shades that complement each other. By using a variety of colors, you can create an eye-catching design that will make your ribbon lei stand out.

Mix and match colors to suit your personal style or the occasion for which you are making the lei. Don’t be afraid to experiment and get creative with color combinations!

Use buttons to embellish the lei

Buttons can be a fun and creative way to add some extra flair to your ribbon lei. You can use buttons in various shapes, sizes, and colors to complement the ribbons you’re using. Simply sew or glue the buttons onto the ribbon loops of your lei for a unique and personalized touch.

This will not only make your lei more visually appealing but also give it a playful and festive vibe. So gather up those colorful buttons from your craft stash and let your imagination run wild as you embellish your beautiful ribbon lei with these little accessories!

Consider adding flowers or money to the lei

You can make your ribbon lei even more beautiful by adding flowers or money to it. Flowers can add a pop of color and create a more festive look. You can use artificial flowers that match the colors of your ribbons or opt for real flowers if you prefer.

Simply attach the flowers to the ribbons using glue or small sewing stitches. Another option is to incorporate money into your lei, which makes it not only decorative but also functional as a gift.

You can fold bills into origami shapes and secure them onto the ribbon with tape or thread. This adds an element of surprise and excitement for the recipient when they receive their lei.


Creating a beautiful ribbon lei is a fun and creative way to celebrate special occasions like graduations or weddings. With the step-by-step guide provided, you can easily make your own stunning ribbon lei using different techniques such as braiding, spiraling, or adding embellishments like flowers or money.

Get your materials ready and start crafting your unique ribbon lei today!

How to Make a Beautiful Ribbon Lei [DIY Plans] - MyMyDIY | Inspiring DIY Projects (1)

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How to Make a Beautiful Ribbon Lei [DIY Plans] - MyMyDIY | Inspiring DIY Projects (2024)
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